Security & Privacy

Xoba uses industry-standard security best practices. We do not store any of your files or documents on our servers. We do need full access to your cloud applications in order to search for all relevant files, text, and information, but Xoba will not read, store, or attempt to access that information outside of providing our service. The service and employees of Xoba do not have the ability to access your cloud accounts (e.g Gmail, Slack) to read or download your information.

Xoba leverages Oauth and other security best practices when connecting/authenticating your cloud application to Xoba. We store session tokens and IDs in order to provide our service. We will refresh those tokens on a regular basis to provide a better user experience.

Xoba Security Overview

Xoba Data Privacy Overview

Connecting your applications is optional. If you don't connect applications to Xoba, you can still create Bookmark Cards and share them. If you want enhanced functionality like universal search, Dynamic Cards, and Configurable Cards, then you need to connect at least one application.

Connecting your First Application

To connect your applications to Xoba, navigate to the Applications page.

You will see all the available applications that you can connect to Xoba. Select which applications you'd like to connect to Xoba and follow the instructions.

Once connected, you will see that the application will appear in the 'Connected Applications' section.

Connecting Multiple Accounts

Xoba enables you to connect multiple accounts to Xoba. For example, if you have two email inboxes or two Slack workspaces, you can connect both to Xoba. When you execute a search, Xoba will return results for all connected accounts. You can choose to filter the applications before or after you perform a search.

Removing an Application

You can remove a platform by selecting the trash icon next to the application on the 'Applications' page. Once removed, Xoba will no longer have access to the application. If you want to re-connect the application, you can do so by going back to the applications page.