Step 1 - Create an account

To get started, create your Xoba account. Xoba allows you to create an account with your email or with Google.

Step 2 — Create Cards!

Start organizing your information with Xoba Cards!

Test out the Cards function. There are three types of Cards:

  1. Bookmark Cards: within these customizable Cards, you can bookmark anything ranging from a Google Doc, a Confluence Doc, Asana tasks, a link to a blog post, or a saved Xoba search. Compile and organize all your relevant files in one place, with the added capability of sharing with your teammates so everyone has access to the same information.
  2. Dynamic Cards: using these Cards, you can see all the items you've recently viewed, the files your teammates have recently updated, or your latest and top searches. You won't have to lift a finger again to discover this information. You must connect applications for this feature.
  3. Configurable Cards: If you want to configure what you see in a Card, you can save a Xoba search as a Card. When you navigate to your Space, this Card will kick-off a new search and show you information based on your search criteria. You must connect applications for this feature.

Step 3 (Optional) - Connect your applications

Connecting your applications is optional. If you don't connect applications to Xoba, you can still create Bookmark Cards and share them. If you want enhanced functionality like universal search, Dynamic Cards, and Configurable Cards, then you need to connect at least one application.

To connect an application, navigate to the 'Applications' page (From the navigation bar on the left side)